Not only does it annoy the innocents, but the point of being the murderer is to eliminate EVERYONE, and not to survive the whole round, which ends up making the player lose. Camping is NOT recommended to do once the murderer kills the sheriff/hero.

Xbox or PC while using Xbox controller via Bluetooth (Does not work on PS4 Bluetooth Controller) Tap the screen to stab (OR) run up to a player to auto-stab them.*Note, the throwing will only work if a green icon comes up on a player when the throw is loaded. Press the throw button then tap a player when it is fully loaded.

Press the equip button to equip the knife (or tap the knife on the bottom of your inventory).Press E/Hold left-click/click right-click to throw the knife.Don't get shot by either the Sheriff/ Hero, otherwise you will lose the round.If you do become a Murderer, your knife will be given to you 10 seconds after the match starts. The chances of becoming a Murderer start off as fairly low but will increase with each game that you don't become a Murderer. 3.3 Xbox or PC while using Xbox controller via Bluetooth (Does not work on PS4 Bluetooth Controller).SCRİPT 1 loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() SCRİPT 2 loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))() SCRİPT 3 loadstring(game:GetObjects(“rbxassetid://4001118261”).Source)() SCRİPT 4 loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() SCRİPT 5 loadstring(game:HttpGet((‘’),true)) SCRİPT 6 loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync(“”, true))() SCRİPT 7 loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() SCRİPT 8 getgenv().mainKey = “nil” local a,b,c,d,e=loadstring,request or http_request or (http and http.request) or (syn and syn.request),assert,tostring,””c(a and b,”Executor not Supported”)a(b( for i,v in next, DataBase.Item do newOwned = math.random(WeaponOwnedRange.min, WeaponOwnedRange.max) - newOwned: ItemCount end local PlayerWeapons = PlayerData.Weapons game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("InventoryUpdate", 0, function() PlayerWeapons.Owned = newOwned end) .Humanoid.