
What did vasco da gama get on his voyage
What did vasco da gama get on his voyage

what did vasco da gama get on his voyage

It is worth recalling that during a long period of time, Europeans, supported by the Vatican, did not consider indigenous people from the Americas as human beings. In the case of most islands of the Caribbean Sea, the whole indigenous population had been wiped out. One century later, only around 8 million inhabitants were left (including European settlers and the first African slaves). In 1500, just at the beginning of the brutal intervention of the Spaniards and the Portuguese in Central and South America, this region had at least 18 million inhabitants (some authors put forward much larger figures of close to 100 million ). The first voyage of Christopher Columbus is the starting point of a brutal and bloody intervention of the European powers in the history of the peoples of the ’Americas’

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  • what did vasco da gama get on his voyage

    In 1500, standards of living were comparable.Maritime Chinese expeditions during the 15 th century.Second intercontinental voyage of Vasco de Gama (1502).Later on, they completed their domination in Australia and finally Africa. Simultaneously, European powers started the conquest of Asia. The Spanish conquistadors and their Portuguese, British, French and Dutch counterparts together conquered the whole geographical area, commonly known as the Americas, by causing the death of the vast majority of the indigenous population in order to exploit the natural resources (in particular gold and silver).

    what did vasco da gama get on his voyage

    It was the starting point of a brutal and bloody intervention of European sea powers in the history of American peoples, a region of the world that had, up to then, remained insulated from regular relationships with Europe, Africa and Asia. The beginning of Globalization goes back to the outcomes of the first voyage of Christopher Columbus that brought him, on October 1492, to the shore of an island in the Caribbean Sea. In this study, Éric Toussaint covers the period from the 15 th to the 21 st century, focusing on the dramatic effects of capitalist globalisation.

    What did vasco da gama get on his voyage